Undergraduate Curriculum

 To realize the program educational objectives and learning outcomes, Civil Engineering Study Program FT UNS devised a curriculum designed to be completed in 8 semesters, 4 years.

Course weight is calculated in credit units (sks). 1 credit unit is equivalent to 1 hour of scheduled activities (classroom, practicum, lecture, etc.), 1 hour of structured task (homework, assignments, etc.), and 1 hour of independent activity (reading, etc.).

1 sks = 1 hour C + 1 hour A + 1 hour I

C = scheduled activities (classroom meetings, lab work, lectures, etc.); A = structured task activity (assignments, homework, etc.); I = independent activities (reading references, etc.). Each hour is accompanied by a 10-minute break.

Degree requirement

To earn a bachelor degree in engineering students must complete 145 credits. Students must complete 133 sks of compulsory courses comprises of: 36 sks of courses in math and basic science; 74 sks of courses in engineering science; 16 sks of courses in humanities and social sciences; 2 sks of internships; 5 sks of final project. Students may choose 12 sks of electives courses

Semester 1
Semester 2

Pendidikan Agama / Religion 2 SKS
Kalkulus / Calculus 4 SKS
Fisika Dasar 1/ Basic Physic 1  4 SKS
Kimia Dasar / Basic Chemistry 2 SKS
Pengantar Rekayasa Sipil/ Introduction to Civil Engineering 2 SKS
Gambar Teknik / Engineering Drawing 2 SKS
Bahasa Inggris / English 2 SKS
Ilmu Bumi Dasar/Basic Earth Science  2 SKS

Kalkulus Lanjut dan Aljabar Linear / Advanced Calculus and Linear Algebra 4 SKS
Computer Aided Design (CAD) 2 SKS
Fisika Dasar 2/ Basic Physic 2 4 SKS
Statika / Statics 4 SKS
Mekanika Tanah 1 / Soil Mechanics 1 2 SKS
Ilmu Ukur Tanah dan Geomatika / Plane Surveying and Geomatics 3 SKS
Pendidikan Pancasila/ Pancasila 2 SKS

Semester 3
Semester 4

Persamaan Diferensial / Differential Equation 4 SKS
Statistik dan Probabilitas 1/ Statistic and Probability 1 2 SKS
Pemrograman Komputer / Computer Programming 2 SKS
Bahan Bangunan dan Properti Material / Building Materials and Their Properties 2 SKS
Mekanika Bahan / Strength of Material 4 SKS
Mekanika Fluida / Fluid Mechanics 2 SKS
Mekanika Tanah 2 / Soil Mechanics 2 2 SKS
Sistem Transportasi / Transportation System 2 SKS

Bahasa Indonesia / Indonesian Language 2 SKS
Kewarganegaraan / Citizenship 2 SKS
Ilmu Sosial dan Budaya Dasar / Basic Social and Culture Science 2 SKS
Metode dan Komputasi Numerik / Numericals Methods and Computation 3 SKS
Analisis Struktur / Structural Analysis 2 SKS
Hidrologi / Hydrology 2 SKS
Hidrolika / Hydraulics 2 SKS
Rekayasa Pondasi 1 / Foundation Engineering 1 2 SKS
Rekayasa Lingkungan dan Teknik Penyehatan / Environmental and Sanitary Engineering 2 SKS
Geometri Jalan Raya / Roadway Geometry 2 SKS

Semester 5
Semester 6

Irigasi / Irrigation 2 SKS
Rekayasa Pondasi 2 / Foundation Engineering 2 2 SKS
Sistem Angkutan Massal / Mass Transportation System 2 SKS
Analisis Struktur Formulasi Matriks / Structural Analysis by Matrix Formulation 2 SKS
Metode Konstruksi / Construction Method 2 SKS
Struktur Beton / Concrete Structure 2 SKS
Struktur Baja / Steel Structure 2 SKS
Ekonomi Teknik / Engineering Economics 2 SKS
Perkerasan Jalan Raya / Road Pavements 3 SKS
Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air / Water Resources Engineering 2 SKS

Bangunan Air / Hydraulic Structure 2 SKS
Drainase / Drainage 2 SKS
Rekayasa Lalu Lintas / Traffic Engineering 2 SKS
Perancangan Struktur Baja / Structural Steel Design 2 SKS
Perancangan Struktur Beton / Reinforced Concrete Design 2 SKS
Rekayasa Gempa / Earthquake Engineering 2 SKS
Rekayasa Jembatan / Jridge Engineering 2 SKS
Sistem dan Manajemen Konstruksi / System and Construction Management 3 SKS
Rekayasa Gempa / Earthquake Engineering 2 SKS
Perancangan Bangunan Teknik Sipil / Capstone Design 3 SKS

Semester 7
Semester 8

Kuliah Kerja Nyata / Community Service Works 2 SKS
Kerja Praktek / Internship 2 SKS
Kewirausahaan / Entrepreneurship 2 SKS
Building Information Modeling 2 SKS
Mata Kuliah Peminatan Pilihan / Optional Courses

Skripsi / Bachelor Thesis 5 SKS

Election Courses

08013152050 Perbaikan Tanah / Soil Improvement 2 SKS
08013152051 Geologi Rekayasa / Engineering Geology 2 SKS
08013152052 Investigasi Geoteknik / Geotechnical Investigation 2 SKS
08013152053 Dinamika Tanah dan Kegempaan / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 2 SKS
08013152054 Komputasi Geoteknik / Computational Geotechnics 2 SKS
08013152055 Tanah Tak-jenuh (Unsaturated Soil) / Unsaturated Soil Mechanics 2 SKS
08013152056 Perkuatan Tanah dengan Geosintetik / Geosynthetics for Soil Reinforcement 2 SKS
08013152057 Tanah Dasar dan Perkuatan Perkerasan Jalan / Subgrade and Road Pavement Strengthening 2 SKS
08013152058 Topik Khusus Geoteknik / Geotechnical Special Topics 2 SKS
08013152059 Perencanaan Transportasi / Transportation Planning 2 SKS
08013152060 Perancangan Lapangan Terbang / Airfield Design 2 SKS
08013152061 Perancangan Jalan rel / Rail Road Design 2 SKS
08013152062 Rekayasa Lalu Lintas Lanjut Advanced Traffic Engineering 2 SKS
08013152063 Manajemen Lalu Lintas / Traffic Management 2 SKS
08013152064 Keselamatan Transportasi dan Lingkungan / Transportation Safety and Environment 2 SKS
08013152065 Ekonomi transportasi / Transportation economics 2 SKS
08013152066 Sistem Informasi Geografis dalam Perancangan Transportasi / Geographic Information System in Transportation Planning 2 SKS
08013152067 Perencanaan Fasilitas Transportasi / Transportation Facilities Planning 2 SKS
08013152068 Kinerja Perkerasan Jalan Raya / Highway Pavement Performance 2 SKS
08013152069 Kontrol Dampak Transportasi / Transportation Impact Control 2 SKS
08013152070 Topik khusus Transportasi /Special topic of Transportation 2 SKS
08013152071 Perencanaan Sanitasi Hijau Wilayah Perkotaan / Urban Area Green Sanitation Planning 2 SKS
08013152072 Pengelolaan Air Tanah / Groundwater Management 2 SKS
08013152073 Sedimentasi Waduk / Reservoir Sedimentation 2 SKS
08013152074 Banjir dan Rekayasa Infrastuktur / Flood and Infrastructure Engineering 2 SKS
08013152075 Rekayasa Sungai River Engineering 2 SKS
08013152076 Perancangan Sumberdaya Air dengan Sistem Informasi Geografis / Water Resources Design with Geographic Information System 2 SKS
08013152077 Perencanaan Bendungan / Dam Planning 2 SKS
08013152078 Pengelolaan Limbah / Waste Management 2 SKS
08013152079 Perencanaan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah / Waste Water Treatment Installation Planning 2 SKS
08013152080 Perencanaan Instalasi Air Minum / Drinking Water Installation Planning 2 SKS
08013152081 Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir / Coastal Area Management 2 SKS
08013152082 Rekayasa Pelabuhan / Port Engineering 2 SKS
08013152083 Rekayasa Pantai / Coastal Engineering 2 SKS
08013152084 Pemodelan Sumberdaya Air / Water Resources Modeling 2 SKS
08013152085 Topik Khusus Rekayasa SDA dan Lingkungan Special Topic of Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering 2 SKS
08013152086 Perencanaan dan Penjadwalan Konstruksi / Construction Planning and Scheduling 2 SKS
08013152087 Manajemen Proyek / Project Management 2 SKS
08013152088 Manajemen Resiko / Risk Management 2 SKS
08013152089 Manajemen Infrastruktur / Infrastructure Management 2 SKS
08013152090 Aspek Legal Jasa Konstruksi / Legal Aspect of Construction Services 2 SKS
08013152091 Estimasi dan Pengendalian Biaya Konstruksi / Construction Cost Estimation and Control 2 SKS
08013152092 Infrastruktur Keberlanjutan / Sustainability Infrastructure 2 SKS
08013152093 Value Engineering 2 SKS
08013152094 Lean Construction 2 SKS
08013152095 Asset Management 2 SKS
08013152096 Topik Khusus Manajemen Konstruksi / Special Topic of Construction Management 2 SKS
08013152097 Pemrograman Lanjut / Advanced Programming 2 SKS
08013152098 Kewirausahaan berbasis teknologi / Technology-based Entrepreneurship 2 SKS
08013152099 Metode Elemen Hingga / Finite Element Method 2 SKS
08013152100 Dinamika Struktur / Structural Dynamics 2 SKS
08013152101 Teknologi Beton Lanjut / Advanced Concrete Technology 2 SKS
08013152102 Struktur Kayu 2 / Timber Structure SKS
08013152103 Perancangan Struktur Beton Prategang / Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures 2 SKS
08013152104 Perancangan Struktur Komposit / Composite Structural Design 2 SKS
08013152105 Sistem Struktur Gedung Tinggi / High Building Structural System 2 SKS
08013152106 Struktur Baja ringan 2 SKS
08013152107 Topik Khusus Rekayasa Material dan Struktur 2 SKS
08013150108 Track 2: Magang Industri / Industrial Intership 20 SKS
08013150109 Track 3: Magang Komunitas / Community Intership 20 SKS
08013150110 Track 4: Magang Organisasi / Organisational Intership 20 SKS
08013150111 Track 5: Magang Start-up / Start-up Intership 20 SKS
08013150112 Track 6: Magang Riset / Research Intership 20 SKS
08013150113 Track 7: Exchange/Online Course 20 SKS