Welcome to the Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret. By reading this prospectus, you have shown your interest in our study program. We appreciate that and thank you. At this crossroads, researchers and civil engineers must take the role of creating new technologies that increase productivity and mobility and ensure the sustainability of the life of planet Earth.
Our study program always tries to make a positive contribution to the community. We conduct under and graduate education, do research in many fields and aspects of civil engineering infrastructure, and provide services to the community. We are trying to understand the problems of the local, national, and world communities, looking for creative solutions to these problems in the design, construction, and operation of infrastructure.
To prospective students, we offer a study program where the experience and expertise of the academic staff will help educate you to become experts in engineering and infrastructure civil technology. You will study in a rigorous but creative academic atmosphere. You will be assisted and guided to master knowledge and technology and be able to apply it creatively in society.
To the whole community, we assure you that we offer and organize high-quality study programs. An accreditation from National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN PT) and AUN-QA (ASEAN University Network for Quality Assurance) international certification achieved since 2018 is sound proof of our commitment to quality in education, research, and services, as well as producing graduates who are ready to contribute to society. Society’s civilization is progressing. Infrastructure development has made the quality of life of local and global communities increasingly high and prosperous.
Nowadays, society’s needs for good quality food, safe drinking water, clean air, energy, information, and resources reach a high level to ensure productivity, mobility, and economic growth that guarantees the survival of many people. On the other hand, development is also expected not to have a negative impact on the environment, but also to ensure the quality of the built environment better. We are always open to close collaboration with the industry. Our expertise in science and technology and field experience of construction service providers will provide a mutually beneficial blend. I hope your trust in our civil engineering study program will be retained with our commitment to you.